Grazing Contracts for Livestock Nz

Grazing Contracts for Livestock NZ: A Guide for Farmers

Grazing contracts are an important aspect of farming in New Zealand. They are used to secure land for livestock grazing, and are essential for farmers who do not have enough land to support their animals. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about grazing contracts for livestock in NZ.

What is a Grazing Contract?

A grazing contract is a written agreement between a landowner and a farmer, outlining the terms and conditions of livestock grazing on the land. The contract usually includes details such as the duration of the agreement, the number of animals that will be grazed on the land, and the payment terms.

Why Do Farmers Need Grazing Contracts?

Farmers need grazing contracts for a variety of reasons. Firstly, they provide a legal framework for the agreement between the farmer and landowner. This can help to prevent disputes and misunderstandings later on.

Grazing contracts also provide certainty for both parties. The farmer knows that they have a secure place to graze their animals, while the landowner knows that they will receive a regular income from the grazing.

In addition, grazing contracts can help to improve the quality of the land. If the contract includes provisions for maintaining the land, such as fertilising and weed control, this can lead to better pasture and healthier livestock.

What Should a Grazing Contract Include?

A grazing contract should include the following:

– Duration of the agreement: This should be clearly stated, with a start and end date.

– Number of animals: The contract should specify the number of animals that will be grazed on the land.

– Payment terms: This should include the amount of rent, how often it will be paid, and any penalty fees for late payment.

– Maintenance of the land: The contract should outline the responsibilities of both parties for maintaining the land, including weed control, fertilising, and any other necessary tasks.

– Access to the land: The contract should specify when and how the farmer can access the land, and any restrictions that apply.

– Termination: The contract should include provisions for terminating the agreement, including notice periods and any penalties that apply.


In conclusion, grazing contracts are an essential aspect of farming in New Zealand. They provide a legal framework for the agreement between the farmer and landowner, and help to improve the quality of the land. When drafting a grazing contract, it is important to include all necessary details, including the duration of the agreement, number of animals, payment terms, maintenance of the land, access to the land, and termination provisions. By doing so, both parties can enjoy a successful and productive relationship.