Basic Rules in Subject Verb Agreement Pdf

As a professional, I understand the importance of subject-verb agreement in written content. Whether it`s an article, a blog post, or a PDF document, subject-verb agreement can make or break the quality and credibility of the writing. In this article, we will discuss the basic rules in subject-verb agreement in PDF documents.

Rule 1: Singular subjects take singular verbs, and plural subjects take plural verbs.

Example: The cat sits on the sofa. (singular subject and singular verb)

The cats sit on the sofa. (plural subject and plural verb)

Rule 2: Compound subjects connected by “and” take a plural verb.

Example: The apple and the banana are on the table.

Rule 3: When a compound subject is joined by “or” or “nor,” the verb agrees with the subject closest to it.

Example: Neither the cat nor the dog likes the rain.

Rule 4: Use a singular verb when the subject is a collective noun referring to a group as a whole and a plural verb when the subject refers to the individuals in the group.

Example: The team is practicing. (referring to the team as a whole)

The team are practicing. (referring to the individuals in the team)

Rule 5: Indefinite pronouns such as anyone, everyone, somebody, nobody, and each take singular verbs.

Example: Everybody knows the answer.

Rule 6: When an intervening prepositional phrase separates the subject from the verb, make sure to choose the verb that agrees with the subject and not with the noun or pronoun in the prepositional phrase.

Example: The book, along with its cover, is on the shelf.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of writing. Making sure that your verb matches your subject is important to ensure clarity and coherence in your writing. These rules should be followed when writing PDF documents to ensure that the reader takes your content seriously. By implementing these basic rules in subject-verb agreement, you can improve the readability and effectiveness of your writing.

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