Manu C Rajan | Ovm one

Sag Aftra Television Agreement

Manu C Rajan | Ovm one

SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists) is a labor union representing more than 160,000 actors, announcers, broadcast journalists, dancers, singers, and other media professionals in the United States. The union is responsible for negotiating contracts and agreements for its members, including the SAG-AFTRA Television Agreement.

The SAG-AFTRA Television Agreement is a contract between the union and producers of television programs. The agreement covers a wide range of issues, including compensation, hours of work, safety, and working conditions, among others. The agreement is designed to ensure that SAG-AFTRA members receive fair pay and are protected while working on television productions.

The SAG-AFTRA Television Agreement includes provisions for payment of wages, overtime, and other compensation to performers. The agreement sets minimum rates of pay based on the type of production, the length of the program, and the performer`s role. For example, actors in a half-hour episodic program are guaranteed a minimum daily rate of $1,030, while actors in a one-hour episodic program are guaranteed a minimum daily rate of $1,893.

The agreement also includes provisions for safety and working conditions on television sets. Producers are required to provide a safe working environment for performers, with appropriate measures to prevent accidents and injuries. The agreement also sets limits on the hours of work for performers, to ensure that they receive adequate rest and time to recover between shoots.

SAG-AFTRA also has a number of agreements with specific genres of television programming, such as commercials, animation, and interactive media. These agreements set specific terms and conditions for performers working in those areas, including compensation, working conditions, and residual payments.

In addition to negotiating contracts and agreements, SAG-AFTRA also provides support and resources to its members. The union offers educational programs, networking opportunities, and health and retirement benefits, among other services.

In conclusion, the SAG-AFTRA Television Agreement is a crucial part of the entertainment industry, ensuring that performers receive fair compensation and are protected while working on television productions. The agreement plays a vital role in maintaining the standards of the industry and ensuring that talented individuals are able to pursue careers in television with dignity and respect.

Manu C Rajan | Ovm one