Manu C Rajan | Ovm one

What Is the Difference between a Subcontractor and an Independent Contractor

Manu C Rajan | Ovm one

As businesses grow and develop, they often require the assistance of individuals or other companies to provide services or complete projects. In such cases, companies may choose to engage either a subcontractor or an independent contractor to perform the work. While these terms are often used interchangeably, there are significant differences between the two. In this article, we will explore the differences between subcontractors and independent contractors.

What is a Subcontractor?

A subcontractor is an individual or a company that is hired by a contractor to complete a specific portion of the work for a larger project. In this scenario, the contractor is the primary point of contact for the client and retains overall responsibility for the project. The subcontractor is hired to complete a specific task or set of tasks, and is responsible for delivering those results within the agreed upon timeline and budget.

For example, if a contractor is hired to renovate a kitchen, they may hire a subcontractor to install the countertops or the cabinets. The subcontractor is responsible for completing their tasks, but the contractor is responsible for communicating with the client and ensuring the overall project is completed successfully.

Subcontractors can be individuals or other businesses and are typically paid based on the work that is completed, rather than an hourly rate. The contract will outline the specific tasks to be completed, the timelines and payment terms.

What is an Independent Contractor?

An independent contractor, on the other hand, is an individual or company that is hired to provide a specific service or complete a project, but they work independently and are not directly accountable to the hiring company for the delivery of the project. They are self-employed individuals and are responsible for their own taxes, equipment, and work expenses.

Independent contractors offer their services to multiple clients simultaneously and manage their own schedules. They are typically paid on an hourly or project basis, depending on the agreement with the client.

For example, if a company needs a website designed, they may hire an independent contractor to complete the project. The independent contractor will work independently and deliver the final product within the agreed-upon timeline and budget.

How Are They Different?

The key difference between subcontractors and independent contractors is the level of control that the hiring company has over the work being completed.

Subcontractors work under the control of the contractor, who is responsible for ensuring that the subcontractor meets the requirements of the contract with the client. Independent contractors, on the other hand, work independently and have control over how they complete the work.

Additionally, subcontractors are often hired to complete a specific task or set of tasks as part of a larger project. Independent contractors are hired to complete a specific project or service and can often take on multiple projects simultaneously.

Finally, the taxation and legal requirements for hiring a subcontractor and an independent contractor are different. Subcontractors are typically required to complete a W-9 form and are subject to tax withholding. Independent contractors are responsible for their own taxes and typically complete a W-4 form.


As a business owner, it`s important to understand the differences between subcontractors and independent contractors. While both can be valuable resources for your business, it`s essential to understand the level of control and responsibility that each type of worker entails. Before hiring either a subcontractor or an independent contractor, be sure to review the details of the contract and ensure that the terms of the agreement are appropriate for your needs.

Manu C Rajan | Ovm one